Monday, July 23, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 23

Psalm 65:5

By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea:

If your in a storm, God will speak to you. If your in sin, God will move heaven and earth to draw you close to Him. What ever your circumstances, God hears you, loves you, and is forever drawing you near to Him.

You can't get to far where He can't find you. You can't ge to lost that He won't move on your behalf. He will clear the debris in your life if you let Him.

He will not let anything that isn't good keep you down without some good coming from it. He has solved your enemy crisis by giving His son, Jesus, to die for you and to take back the rights the enemy had over you.

You no longer belong to the enemy but to the living God when you cry out and ask Jesus to come save you and begin the best walk there is. The walk with God where everything is possible and the protection of His hand is mightier than the sword.

Lost at sea? Cry out and keep your eyes open, you just might find a man who walks on water coming with a life vest to take you to the other side to live with Him.

God Bless.

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