Friday, July 20, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 20

Psalm 138:8

The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

His mercy is forever and it's new every morning and he promises to continue to work in me until I'm without spot or wrinkle in His sight. What more can I ask for?

Nothing. Nothing beats His mercy. Nothing beats His grace. Nothing beats His presence, and nothing beats His power.

Without mercy we would be done for. I would be done for. I would have been struck down without His mercy. The best part is that He's not angry any more. At anyone. Jesus took God's angry on Himself when He hung from a tree.

All I need to do is acknowledge what Jesus did, recieve His mercy, let God work in me, and then let Him move through me to others. Easiest three step plan out there.

The hardest part is me. I'm the problem. I get in the way when I don't recieve His mercy and I fight Him while He is trying to take me from glory to glory.

It is never Him but always me. If I don't see mercy and God's hand working in my life than I'm the blockage and I need to high-tail it to the cross and get it right with my Savior. For it is my Savior that has made it a way for God to even deal with me when I can be so troublesome.

If your in trouble, recieve His mercy. If you have more than what you think you can bear, recieve His mercy. If you think you can't go on one more second, recieve His mercy. There is nothing in this world to big or troublesome that you can't recieve His mercy.

Take it. It's there for the taking. Take as much as you need until you see and feel the change you needed then once you have your fill, don't stop there, let Him finish the work He's begun in you. You will never be sorry. The rewards is eternal, non-stopping, and life changing.

God Bless.

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