Friday, July 13, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 13

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Wow! All we have to do to be free from the grips of hell is to say Jesus, I've sinned and fallen short of the glory, please come take my sins and throw them into the depths of the ocean never to be seen again and fill me with Your love and grace and Holy Spirit, give me the power and wisdom to choose life today and we will once again become in right standing with the man upstairs.

No greater love than when someone who has sinned comes to the cross and uses it's power to become whole.

The cross is where we run to when the sins are threatening to over take us and the grace is the path leading us to the blessed Savior and into the loving arms of a Father who is patientently waiting on us to acknowledge we need Him.

And oh, how we need Him. There is none like Him that we must be save. It is by His blood that we have been cleansed and made righteous. It's by the blood of the lamb that the Father can now say, "Come away my beloved and sup with me awhile."

Grace, love, mercy is new every morning and it's ours for the taking if we only confess and believe. Try it. Love it. Live by it. Tell others of it and watch as your life becomes the very vessel He needs to move amongst nations.

God Bless.

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