Wednesday, July 4, 2012

100 Days of Scriptual Encouragement: Day 4

Proverbs 10:28

The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing. 

We continue to hear about the joy. I've experienced it, loved it, and realized I need it to make it through most days.

I need something to hold onto these days. Sure we live in the land of freedom but for how much longer? We have things and gadgets but what are they doing to our quality of life?

I don't want the hopes of the wicked to rule and reign anymore in America. I want this scripture to come to pass. Where the wickedness comes to nothing and God and His joy reigns supreme.

There is nothing like His joy on the face of the earth. No gadgets, no parties, no want-to-be-superstars can hold a candle to it.

Joy is our strength in the every situation. It's a need that we should have to be filled with it. Joy takes away sorrow, brings out the best in everyone, and doesn't care who you are. Joy should be a way of life for us.

Won't you try it now? Laugh a little. You might like it.

God Bless.

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