Wednesday, July 25, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 25

Psalm 18:19

He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

Did you know that God delights in you? Did you know He believes in you more than you believe in yourself? Did you know that God loves you that He sent His own son to die for you?

Did you know God is someone you can trust? Did you know that God is someone you can run to with all your problems without fear of being laughed at? Did you know that God will never gossip on you? Did you know He's like the perfect secret brother? Did you know that He is a big God and able to do above and beyond what you can see and think?

Did you know that He enjoys giving you the desires of your heart? Did you know that He's the perfect Father? Did you know that He's nothing but good? Did you know that He rules over His enemy's as well as your own? Did you know there is no one you want better on your team? Did you know He is the perfect adventure? Did you know He is waiting to be your superhero?

You can trust Him. He will will bring you out of the biggest storms of your life whether He has to walk on water or by just telling the waves peace be still. He loves you with a love that is eternal. He will give you the strength you need to cross over to the other side and equip you with the essentials you need to walk through hell and back without smelling like smoke. He is an awesome God. He wants you as part of His family.

Why does He cry out and long for you and speaks to you in the night and in the morning and throughout the day? Why does He send people cross your path to talk with you about Him or save you from a unpleasant situation? Why does He use people to annoy you and force you to become a better person? Why does He waste all this time on you?

Because He delights in it. It gives Him great joy and pleasure when He sees His creation becoming the person He knew from their mother's womb. Just think, this makes Him touchable. So, go ahead, reach out and touch the Master, He's been waiting for you.

God Bless.

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