Thursday, August 2, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 33

Philippians 2:13

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

He works in us not to punish us but He enjoys making a masterpiece out of us. He loves to mold us and shape us into what He knows we can be. He dreams big dreams for us. Bigger than what I can dream and I can dream huge.

But the only way my dreams and His dreams for my life can ever match up is if I let Him do the work He wants to do in my life. That means I have to let things drop by the wayside and pick up the cross He wants me to bear.

It may mean giving up a friendship so I can develop my friendship in Him. It may mean I give up television an hour before I normally would to study His word. It may mean I don't talk to someone on the phone like I normally do but I pray and then wait for Him to commune with me what He wants me to know for the day or for the days ahead.

He wants to prepare us for something grander than what we are already living. There is coming a day when He's glory is going to be shone to the world and don't you want to be available to carry it when He begins to pour it out on this world?

The only way to be apart of the front lines is if you let Him do the work He needs to do in your life.
He wants to work through you so others may be affected. Get lined up, the carpenter is calling for His next project He can work on so that His next masterpiece can be seen in you.

God Bless.

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