Monday, August 13, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 44

Psalm 25:4-5

Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. 5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.

I wait for you Lord to show me your way and the path You have for me for I know You will lead me in truth and never lie to me. I know you will teach me the things I need to learn for Your glory, Lord for you are my salvation.

There is nothing I want more Lord than for You to have a hand in my every day life. There is nothing I want more Lord than for You to speak to me. There is nothing I want more than my Shepherd to lie down with me in the night seasons of my life.

No Lord, I will no longer allow my ways to get in the way of Your ways for they are sooooooooooo much greater than mine. No Lord, I will no longer scream out in pain because I can no longer do the things of this world.

Yes Lord, I will bring my flesh into subjection to You and allow my spirit to rule over my days and my nights.

I will no longer allow the enemy to have a foot hold into my life for if he tries, I will combat him with Your word for it is written Your word will not return void. Yes Lord, I will hold my tongue and say only what you want me to say.

And one day, Lord, I will hear the sound I've long to hear since I was a little girl and meet You in the skies along with the others I have shared Your way to. One day, Lord, together, we will come back in glory and rule and reign together as husband and wife.

Until that day Lord, begin the work you have for me this day.

God Bless.

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