Saturday, August 4, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 35

Ephesians 2:4-5

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

By His grace we are saved and by His mercy we live day after day, and by His love He sees us as clean, umblemished lambs who is waiting for a sherpard to guide them throughout their day.

We were once dead, but now we live because of what Jesus paid for on the cross. When He was on the cross, we were on His mind and He counted it all joy to die for us because He saw what we became.

A lamb, a light in the valley, the salt of the earth, redeemed from sin, overcomers, and rulers to reign with Him.

He did it so mercy could live in abundance in our lives. He gave mercy to show us that His Father was no longer angry at us and our sin couldn't keep Him no longer from looking up on us with forgiveness.

Mercy causes forgiveness and when we forgive, mecy reigns, and a revolution can begin. We need a revolution. We need some changes and it can begin with you and me by pouring out our own mercy on those who need it the most.

When you see someone who does something wrong, show mercy. When someone has hurt you, show mercy, when you've been used and abused, show mercy then step back and watch the power of God go thru you into the hearts of others.

Mercy can start a wildfire that no firefighter or man can contain. We need a wildfire of mercy to sweep across Ameria and into every nation of the world. It's when we begin to love others for who they are instead of what they've done, then God can move.

Let the revolution start today in your heart and as you go about your day, may mercy reign supreme, and pray others pay it forward.

God Bless.

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