Friday, August 3, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 34

Psalm 62:1

Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.

He is our salvation. He is the only thing we need and once we accept the fact, there may be times when we need to pause and wait for God to move in our lives or for Him to talk to us.

When we are baby Christians, God seems to move mighty even before we say amen and then we have to grow up and realize we have to mature in the Lord and it's not all about us but it's all about Him and what He wants to do through our lives.

We must be willing to be silent and listen for the still small voice because as we grow closer to Him the softer the voice becomes because He wants us to know Him and His voice through the tough times, the trails the enemy throws our way, and in the darkness of night when all hope is gone but then suddenly, you hear it. Faintly at first and then as you move in His will, the voice will get louder and louder still until you move past your circumstances and you are standing face to face with your Savior as He tells you, "Well done thy good and faithful servant."

God Bless and begin to wait on Him, it will be worth it. It will be a life changing experience. You wait and see.

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