Monday, September 24, 2012

100 Days of Sciptures of Encouragement: Day 86

John 14:14

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

If you ask anything in His name, He will do it! Wow what a thought and what an encouragement.

We have to ask for what we want what a novel idea, just like children. They have no problem asking for what they want and they expect to recieve it, no questions asked.

Maybe this is why Jesus says we are to become like children. We definetly can learn a lot from them. As for me in this life as an adult, I go to God with, "God didn't you see what happen? Why God why?" Well I can assure you, this never got me anywhere and with little answers to boot.

But when I've come and said, "Father, I want a change in this situation. I want Johnny, and Jimmy, and Paul's heart turned toward You and for the glory of Your kingdom." Then I've moved the heart of God.

I've gone into the throne room with a heart of honor, and a spirit of thanksgiving, not for the problem and an attitude of somebody done somebody wrong, then I have the attention of not only my heavenly High Priest, but also the God of the Universe who's only desire is to have a family and a relationship with each and every person.

The problem then becomes mine because the answer might not happen in the time frame I think it should but the answer to my prayer has been sealed in heaven and it's my job to sit back and wait for the manifestation of an answered prayer.

It will work for anything. Stop your complaing, your begging, and begin a prayer life of thanksgiving, honor, and a determination that your prayer life is going to be a faith based with you asking mighty things from the Lord and see what He will do for you.

God Bless.

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