Monday, September 3, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 65

Psalm 29:11

The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Thank God, He promises His strength to us and give us peace. Who dosn't need a little peace in their lives now a days? I know I do.

There is so much junk going on in this world it makes it hard to keep up with unlike the Kardashians. I know there isn't hardly a day that goes by where something tries to sneek into my home and break me down.

It's His strength I draw from and find peace. This world is going to hell in a handbasket and I'm sure in the days ahead it won't be any easier. Shoot, I have two kids who faces a whole lot more things than I did and if that was the only thing I faced than His strength and peace would still be needed.

I live in the real world and as far as I can see peace and strength is whatcha gotta have and if your like me, the only kind to have is the one that's given from above because all others will leave you crying in duststorm it came in on.

God Bless.

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