Tuesday, September 25, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 87

Psalm 18:3

I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

I love that song:

I will call upon the Lord,
Who is worthy to be praise,
So shall I be saved from mine enemies
The Lord livith and blessed be my rock,
Blessed be my rock of my salvation.

Who knew singing the scriptures could be so much fun but more than that, so full filling, it residates within your spirit making the words of the scriptures come alive even more.

I want to be saved from mine enemies and I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can call upon my Lord and Savior and He will save me in the times of trouble and the best thing is I can sing Him this very song joyfully, thankfully, and praiseworthy, as He brings me through my trails and brings about the changes I need.

Let's sing the scriptures back to Him today and remember as you do so, you are also calling up Him and touching His heart because He enjoys a joyful noise because He loves you. Here we go:


I will call upon the Lord
Who is worthy to be praised
So shall I be saved from my enemies
The Lord liveth and blessed be the rock
And let the God of my salvation be exalted

Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/marty-nystrom/i-will-call-upon-the-lord-lyrics/#lGvMvq1Wc2h7D86M.99

God Bless.

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