Wednesday, September 26, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 88

Matthew 11:28

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Do you labor? Are you heavy burdened? Do you need rest? I know there are times when I am and resting seems to be the last thing I want or I think I need.

I cry out to my Lord for deliverance but He seems not to hear me or doesn't act like He wants to answer me. I feel as if He forgets me and all the problems He has me facing.

There are days when I can't seem to put two feet in front of each other. I'm usually a mess nine out of ten times you speak to me and I just mask it.

But somehow I continue to grow. I get a grip and put my face into the word and the word speaks to me. Just like this scripture does. I must need to take it more to heart.

The key is come unto me. Sure I go to Him. I go to Him about my problems and what I don't like about what my family is doing and to complain about what's going on in the world around me. But do I really go to Him?

Do I take the time and listen for His voice? Do I take the time and praise Him for what He's done for me? Do I thank Him for being the great I am? Do I really fellowship with Him?

I have a feeling not as much as I should because if I did, then maybe I pick up my cross a little better and find joy in the trails and tribulations of this world. Maybe if I just go to Him and spend some time with Him like a child spends time with their parent, then talk about my problems I could get from the dessert to land of milk and honey faster.

Come unto me. Probably been the answer I've searched for all my life but not unto the day did I get it. And like Nike says, "Just do it." This has to become the new way of life for, spend time with my Father, and resting in the knowledge that He has plans for me. Plans for goodness and not of evil for He is with me always.

God Bless.

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