Thursday, September 27, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 89

Job 33:26

He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness.

I would love to meet Job. He's life is one of fascination. Most of the time, I don't get how He didn't curse God and die after everything that was done to him but Job seemed to know who he was in Christ before Christ was on the scene.

Job prayed to His God, knew he had favor with his maker, and knew God would see Him through to the other side even with his friends chomping his ears off and the whirlwind, and even as God spoke the last few chapters, Job knew he was righteous in God's eyes.

He had faith. He wasn't a people pleaser, he was a God pleaser. He knew the steps to get the big man's attention and went out and did them. He had favor like a shield all around him even as it look like he would die any moment from the boils that were bursting on his body.

He kept the faith, and ran his race, put his trust in the one who could do it all, and prayed and stayed in the centered of God's will and in the end, he was justified.

So here's what it boils down to, we need God's favor, His grace, His mercy and we obtain it by being joyful, prayer, no complaining, watching our words, and most of all putting Him first in all things even when it look like the boils are going to kill us.

Know when the going gets tough, we are at the break through point and we need to listen for His voice in the whirlwind that tells us He has our hands and is going to pull us out and over to the other side and restore our souls once again.

God Bless.

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