Friday, September 7, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 69

Psalm 32:7

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.

Oh Lord, hide me in Your secret place. Preserve me and my family from trouble. Deliver me, Oh, God. This world is crazy and I'd be a fool to be without you.

Keep me from trouble when I can't seem to keep from it. Give me Your wisdom to fight off all attacks of the enemy. Give me Your wisdom to show me where all the open doors are so I may close them and stop the enemy from coming into my camp and wiping me out.

Make me strong in You, Lord and when I'm ready, release me to be the warrior and soldier you've trained me to be. Let me trust in knowing You are everything I need to be an over comer.

Thank you that You hide paths that would deter me from my mission in life and thank you that You walk with me along the ones You want me to take.

Thank You for hearing the cries of my heart and are keeping them safe until You can wipe them away for good.

Indeed I need to take time and pause for great is thy gratefulness who has brought me to this day and time for a reason and a purpose. All glory, honor, and praise goes to You, my Father who art in Heaven.

May Your will be done in heaven as well as here on earth and let it start with me. Thank You, Lord for all You have given me and for hiding me when I needed somewhere to go from the storm. Thank You, Lord, I now see the light beyond the tunnel.

You are good all the times and You will defeat mine enemies. Like a mother with her children, I rise up and call You blessed. Blessed are You, Oh, Lord Our God who is Creator of the Universe, who is Lord of Lord and King of Kings. Who was, and is, and still to come. Your the lion of Judah, the Lamb for all. My healer, and most of all, my Friend.

God Bless.

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