Friday, September 21, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragemen: Day 83

Psalm 31:14

But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.

In recent days, I've had all reason's to not trust in my God. There has been so many things that have come up against me and my family that there are times I feel I can't breath.

I now know as a mature Christian, something is about to shift in my life and bring me to a new level in my walk with God and all I need to do is trust He will bring it to pass.

See, it's just not about me, it's about my family, it's about my extented family, it's about my friends and neighbors, it's about my community, it's about my state, and even more importantly, it's about my nation.

Trust, if I don't start with trusting God that He has my family in the palm of His hand, how can I ever beleive Him to change this nation around?

I'm going to stand before God one day and I'll be judged by the level of trust and faith I had in Him and my prayer is that He will find my faithful even when it seems the very last breath was being sucked right out of me.

This world is CRAZY! Trusting in Him is the only way I'm going to get through it and on my way from glory to glory, I tell my Father, that indeed He is my God!

And my hope is that you will, "Trust in thee for thou art your God"

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