Wednesday, September 12, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 74

Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Oh how I need wisdom. I need it almost every day, every hour, and definitely in every season.

Lord God, I need your wisdom in my life. Without wisdom, I can't survive a moment in this crazy world. So Father, just like Solomon, I'm asking for wisdom above all us. Wisdom in my finances, in raising my kids, in my marriage, in every area of my life and most of all wisdom to so I know it's You that's talking and not something of my own making.

Thank You, Father, that You even want to bestow Your wisdom on a sinner like me. With everything in me, Lord, I want to know when to move and when to stay firmly planted. Thank You, Father, that as Your wisdom grows in me, so does the fear of You.

The godly fear that makes me want to turn from my wicked ways and obtain a clean heart and hands for You want to use me and use the people of this world to show and tell of Your goodness that is forever more.

God Bless.

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