Friday, September 28, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 90

Matthew 6:8

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Thank You, Father, Your word stands true and I'm standing on the fact and knowledge You know my needs before I ask them.

Father, I also want to thank You for being the supplier of my needs. Your word says that I can ask and You will answer. Thank You, Father.

Thank You for my many blessings You have given me. Thank You for Your wisdom that flows from Your throne to help me in my every day life.

Thank You Father for the Your mercies, the sun, the rain, the world I live in, the town I live in, and for the neighbors and family that surrounds me. Indeed, Father, You knew I would need to be where I am at and be apart of those surrounding me for me to flourish in the knowledge of You.

Thank You for my sins being forgiven and I lay my burdens at Your feet. For Your word says that I am to rest in You and Your burdens are light.

Father, thank You for granting me this moment, this second, the very hour, and day to become more like You and to show the world of Your goodness and love.

Bless You, Father. For You are truly worthy to be praised.

Amen and God Bless.

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