Saturday, September 15, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 77

James 1:6

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

I don't know about you but this scripture speaks to me. I waver in my faith. Just last night I told the Lord to forgive me for my lukewarmness. But things are tough in this world right now and it really looks like this world is going to Hell in a hand basket more and more every day.

Things are getting tighter, and the fight is growing harder just to maintain some form of insanity. Crazy things seem to be around every corner. Nothing is safe any more and what used to be fine in the days past is no longer.

What used to be safe to eat and do can now kill you in a heartbeat. Indeed, this world is headed to Hell. When all these things I see are happening around me and are effecting me and my family, I seem to wonder if I have any faith left and if there is some left, it wants to pick up and head off to parts unknown.

Yes, I'm weak in my faith, although some say I'm the strongest person they ever seen. Obviously, they didn't see me cry myself to sleep last night with "Why God why?" being the last thing on my lips.

I hate to waver. I know when I'm waiving and I know it's not pleasing to the man who sits on the throne. Maybe I'm correct when I hear, Jan write this scripture down and meditate on it day and night. I wonder what might happen. Maybe my eyes will become focused on what God is saying through this scripture that I forget the problems that I face every day.

Who wants to be known as the person who wavers all the time. I know I don't. So I will kick my butt in gear and begin doing what the word tells me to. After all what do I have to loose? Just may the words I've longed to hear, "Well done the good and faithful servant." So it looks like a need to give this faith stuff a chance and build myself up a little more. Who's with me?

God Bless.

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