Friday, September 14, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 76

Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

The fear of the Lord. Wow. What a subject and too broad to talk about here but what I do want to say is that the fear of the Lord isn't about being afraid of Him but instead it's about reverencing Him. Thanking Him for just being Him. Acknowledging who He is and what He can do for your life. It's all about Him.

When we decide to forget about us and think on Him and His goodness, we will see some changes in our lives. I know I have begun to do just that. Instead of looking at all my problems, I look to Him and begin to praise Him for clearing out the problems in front of me.

I thank Him for all that He's meant to my life, and in my families lives. I have begun to turn my focus from what He could do for me and to look what He's already done. I've also noticed that when I focus my attention on Him, I am saying and showing how much I love Him. Has all my problem gone away? No, but that's where faith comes into effect. You know, speak those things into existence. Well what I do know is that I feel better about myself and life so something must work.

All I know is that in the end, what can it hurt? If it doesn't work out, well then I'm no less worse off than before but if thanking Him and putting Him first brings about change, then I'm all for it. So we will see, if I'm on the right track where the fear of the Lord is concerned. It's an experiment I'm willing to take apart in.

God Bless.

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