Wednesday, September 5, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 67

Psalm 119:26

I have declared my ways, and thou heardest me: teach me thy statutes.

He has declared His ways and if we let Him, He will teach us His statues. We must be a willing vessel. We must let the Holy Spirit do it's thing. He can't do it without us nor will He cram it down our throats even if we deserve if.

He's a gentleman who has already fulfilled His end of the bargain. All we have to do is pick up and do our part. We must stand firmly on the word, live it, breathe it, and then live it some more.

There isn't anything He's forgotten tell us about. There isn't anything that is going to surprise Him. He knows it all and that is why He's given it all.

We must cry out for the truth to be known in our lives. We can no longer settle for falseness. We have to get back to the basics and learn it for ourselves.

Open the word and find out what He has for you. See what kind of adventure awaits for you today and in the days to come. I can assure you, you will not be bored but you will be stronger than yesterday.

Your mind will become clearer and the Holy Spirit will be come your friend. In fact He will become the only friend you may ever need. He will lead and guide you. Walk and talk with you while He tells you, you are His own.

Get to know Him today. See where He takes you. He's only a call away and He's eager to become your teacher so you may find out what your Creator already knew, you are wonderful in His eyes and He has paid a price for your life, and He'd do it all over again even if you were the only person on earth.

You are valuable to Him. His ways aren't ways to harm you but to give you a future. Go ahead, I dare you learn of Him because He's already declared His love for you for the world and Satan to hear. Can't you hear His calling? I can. Excuse me. My master is calling my name.

God Bless.

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