Tuesday, September 18, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 80

Psalm 55:22

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

I carry to much. I carry things deep inside me with the thought that I will be able to make things right someday on my own, without any help from anyone. It rarely works out the way I want it to. Usually when I try to do something on my own, I find that I'm usually picking myself up off the ground. I'm no good at solving problems that are mine to solve.

What I need to do and what I do not nearly often enough is hand it over. Hand the burdens of life off the other member of my team. The only member who can do anything about the situation.

If I want God to move in my life, it's time to start giving Him everything, leaving no stone unturned. I've got to believe He can handle it. Something tells me He can and has for thousands of years before I ever came along.

Who do I think I am for shutting the door on the person who wants to be more apart of my life than even I do. I'm stubborn, prideful, fearful, afraid of failure, and waverer way to much.

Life is short and there is a job for me to do and if I want to leave a legacy and do a job I'm called to do, then I can't deal with the petty things of life, I have to hand it over to the player who promises me that He will stick closer than a brother. A friend who will never forsake me and who has only goodness in His heart towards me. Someone that truly loves me.

So Lord, here's my burdens, I lay them down, and pick up the plan You have for me and I will continue to grow from glory to glory until one day, we are face to face.

God Bless.

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