Saturday, September 1, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 63

Psalm 94:19

In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

He promises us He will comfort us. Thank heaven. Without His comfort I am not sure where I would be as a person. 

I have all kinds of battles with my mind and most of the time I win but there are just some days when it comes at me full force and I loose it. Just momentarily because something deep within me begins to cry out and gives me the courage to go on and speaks words that brings me up and out of the pit and immediately I'm alive and kickin' again, ready to take on my next assignment.

If it weren't for God, where would I be? I'd be on a slow boat to hell right now although kicking and fighting my sentence but I'd still be going.

So thank You, Father, for going down in the depths of my pit, and setting me on a sturdy ground where I can be changed, renewed, and an over comer because I know where my help comes from.

God Bless.

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