Tuesday, September 4, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 66

Isaiah 26:3

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Here's the secret for a success for life here on earth, TRUST. We have to do it all the time. Trust is the key essential to everything on earth. We have to trust the people we love. We have to trust ourselves, we trust in GPS, cars, microwaves, ovens, washers and dryers. We trust friends will be who they say they will be.

So it's all about trust, without it, our worlds are upside down and inside out! So if it's so easy to trust in things we see how much more is it rewarding to trust in things that seems untouchable and out of our reach.

More importantly, why do we have such a problem trusting in the one who created us and gives us life? For when we do, we know good things are in store and most of all, our minds loose the battle for our souls.

Trust is everything yet often overlooked or even ignored, and sometimes forgotten, but thank heaven, He hasn't forgotten about it. For everyday that we wake up, He has trust and faith in us that we will come to Him and make Him Lord of our lives and when we do, His peace is like a mighty river that flows over the darkest spots of our lives and will rage on until we become over comers in Him.

Yes, His peace is everything we will ever need for any kind of storm that comes all our ways and the only thing we have to do, is trust that He will provide it.

God Bless.

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